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Under Pressure (The IAD Series Book 1) Page 2

  Because he had been needed in England so often for work, their family split their time between homes in Edinburgh and London, but they also traveled frequently. His father and mother’s love kept them from becoming tainted by the cold and callous attitudes that sometimes-changed people with money, and inside the walls of their home, they were simply a family.

  Not only did he love his father and mother dearly, Jason had genuinely liked and respected them. He’d looked up to his older brother with worshipful adoration, and though they were separated in age by three years, they were close. Still, being the second-born gave him the ease of knowing he was not the heir apparent to his family’s vast fortune. He’d never been under the same pressure as his brother, and although it wasn’t fair, it made Jason’s life easier.

  For a time, his world had truly been perfect.

  But all of it had been destroyed when his family was killed...for their money.

  Blinded by greed, his father’s partner, George, had been enraged when Jason’s father had decided to retire early. That meant he would’ve taken his talent for making money with him, and the investment firm would have suffered. Instead of just letting him bow out of the business gracefully, George paid someone to tamper with their helicopter before they left Scotland. When their vehicle crashed halfway to London, there were no survivors.

  And just like that, Jason was alone.

  Staying behind for a rugby match saved his life, but in the end, he’d lost everything that mattered to him anyway. He was damn sure he would have met his own untimely end if his family’s killer had gained custody of him. Since all the money went into a trust until he came of age, killing him would have been the only way to access it as he would have never given it freely. Fortunately, the investigation into the accident led straight back to George and the accomplice he’d paid to do his dirty work.

  Jason watched dry-eyed as the men were taken away in handcuffs, and it was at that very moment that his need for justice had been born.

  At fourteen, he had not yet been a man, but he’d also left childhood behind. With no other family left, the solicitor in charge of his estate sent Jason off to boarding school. It wasn’t ideal, but he’d agreed as it was better than the alternative of being sent to live with another family.

  He wouldn’t risk loving anyone else, and he sure as hell couldn’t trust anyone after being betrayed by a man he’d always considered an uncle.

  He excelled in school but found little joy at the private institutions he had attended. During his time at university, he was approached by MI6 and asked to join the intelligence service. Wanting to learn the skills they could teach him, Jason agreed, but he never expected to enjoy it so much. They taught him how to fight, to shoot, and how to hone his aptitude for strategy and tactics.

  He’d discovered his true calling and found the place where he the shadows.

  Jason was the perfect agent. A warrior. He excelled at putting his brilliant mind and muscular physique to work in service of his country, mainly because during missions he acted as though he didn’t care whether he lived or died.

  Because he didn’t.

  No matter what, he completed his mission.

  No one was cooler under pressure, because Jason no longer felt anything.

  After years of service, it was that apathy that finally drove him to realize he needed a change. His life in London no longer held any appeal to him. He decided to establish a security firm with his knowledge of electronics and surveillance, amongst his other considerable skills. At first, he was hesitant to use his family money to start his company, but he realized that his family would have approved of the venture.

  And so, Mac Securities was created.

  By being extremely selective about their clients, Mac Securities was able to build a reputation as one of the most sought-after security firms in the world. Over the years, they installed security systems in many museums and other high-risk facilities around the globe using the latest technology and military precision. Jason had wanted to devote his energy full time to his firm and leave the agency. He’d made plans to branch out overseas in the States, had picked out the perfect location, and even bought the building.

  That was when the offer came.

  The International Alliance of Defense was a new branch in the intelligence community, more like a transnational agency. The ultimate warriors of global warfare. The members of NATO had given permission to form IAD to function in every member country. To fight in every nation where terrorists existed, and to wipe them out. The people in charge had a frightening policy of not wanting to know what was going on with the agency, leaving the dirty work to those who knew the game and how to handle the repercussions.

  Only the finest, most qualified candidates were chosen for the organization. They were given superiority over all other agencies and a kind of worldwide immunity for their actions. Sort of the ultimate ‘get out of jail free’ card. Even though they answered to no one but themselves, their internal justice system was not something any of the agents wanted to mess around with.

  The rules were one crossed IAD.


  IAD got the job done, no matter how messy. They did whatever they needed to quickly, efficiently, using any means necessary, and the world was a far more peaceful place because of them. For the highly skilled select members of IAD, it was a dream come true since most of the agents had been disillusioned with the rules, regulations, and red tape of the regular intelligence branches.

  For the past five years, Jason MacBain had been the head of the Chicago branch of IAD. He shared his duties with his partner, Brett Michaels, an American-born ex-military man who was one of the few people in the world that Jason trusted with his life. The IAD branch was fronted by Mac Securities, which was the perfect cover to travel wherever they needed to go. While Jason was the public face of the security company, Brett was able to devote all of his time to running IAD, and together, both sides of the business ran smoothly.

  Now, Jason found himself standing at the entrance of a hotel ballroom wishing he were anywhere else. One of the duties of being a wealthy business owner was to attend charity galas and other important events, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.

  He’d forced himself to show up at tonight’s party since he donated a sculpture that had belonged to his family. The statue held no meaning to him. Never had. It had to his parents, though, and that was why he was representing them at the benefit auction.

  Christ, he needed a fucking drink.

  Someone just needed to buy that chunk of metal, so he could get the hell out of there and go home. With that thought, he entered the ballroom and surveyed the crowd. He saw women covered in jewels, and pompous pricks ready to flaunt their cash for some overpriced useless pieces of shit.

  What a bleeding waste of time and money.

  People at these types of functions were always the same. Men wanted to meet and greet, speaking to him because of the power he so adeptly wielded in the business world. Some would even attempt to treat him as if they were doing him a favor by considering hiring Mac Securities, but unlike most people, he rarely talked business at these types of events. He’d made a habit of going against the norm and remaining aloof and enigmatic only seemed to enhance peoples’ interest in himself and his company.

  He received a lot more than curiosity from women. They tended to fawn over his looks and money which he found rather irritating, though, they were easy enough to ignore. Jason hadn’t even bothered asking anyone to join him this evening since it would have been a hassle escorting her around. Well, it would have been nice to sink into a woman’s willing body at the end of the evening, but it wasn’t worth the effort to play nice during the party.

  Besides, he didn’t plan to stay long.

  It had been a while since any particular woman had actually stirred his interest enough for him to try to be charming. Hell, he’d pretty much forgotten how anyway. Most women thought he was cold and ca
lculating, and he was. He didn’t deny it, nor could he help it. He enjoyed women when he wanted them. He enjoyed them in bed, but he never stuck around long after that. He wasn’t interested in emotional entanglements, even if they were one-sided.

  Women could forgive pretty much anything for a trinket or two before he moved on to the next attractive lovely to catch his eye.

  Since he’d arrived later than he had originally anticipated, the charity auction was in full swing. He was hoping the bidding on the sculpture would be over soon. He’d take a turn around the room and see if anything up for bid caught his eye. If he bought something, he’d consider his duty done, then he could leave.

  Viewing a waiter close by, he started forward to grab a drink when a woman slammed into him. Instinct had him reaching out to grab her. He looked down into her beautiful amber eyes and watched as her lush, full lips curved into a smile, and the blood drained right out of his brain, straight down to his dick.

  Shit, where was his legendary control now?

  He was a man, not a love-struck teenager getting a hard-on at a woman’s touch.

  This woman was appealing, not his usual type, but as she stroked her hand down his arm, all he could think of was having that hand wrapped around his cock, sliding up and down on him.

  Bloody hell, she was a little thing. Probably someone’s trophy wife.

  No, no ring.

  Then a girlfriend brought here to impress and look pretty.

  And pretty she was.

  He waited for the expected tearful apology, ready to be irritated and bored by her flattery. He wasn’t in the mood to be polite to any little debutantes tonight. Wait, how old was she? She was a little thing, but her feisty response surprised him. Jason watched, fascinated as the temper fired in her eyes, turning them to liquid gold.

  Arrogant ass, Jason thought with an inner chuckle as he watched her walk away.

  Perhaps this evening would not be a complete waste.


  Bella pushed open one of the doors leading out to the balcony and stepped out into the night. A few feet from the entrance, she jerked her small purse open and took out a cigarette and her lighter. Lighting it, she inhaled deeply, then she blew out the smoke in a steady stream and watched as the tendrils of vapor disappeared into the air.

  A mixture of emotions warred within her. She was still fuming with anger after her encounter with the rude stranger, but she had to admit that she was also slightly shaken by the confrontation.

  “What a jerk,” she hissed as if she needed to vocalize it out loud to reassure herself.

  The sound of laughter and raised voices increased as the doors to the balcony were once again opened. A couple hurried to join a group sitting around a raised firepit, but she made no move to join them or any of the other small groups of people on the balcony.

  No, she wasn’t in the mood for company.

  She desperately wanted a moment alone.

  Heading away from the murmurs of conversations and the lights pouring through the glass doors, she strode around the plotted trees scattered here and there to the far end of the balcony. The sounds of the city were faint as she looked down to the streets far below, but she welcomed the muted music of the buskers and distant blare of sirens.

  She shuffled from foot to foot on her three-inch stiletto heels as she took another drag of her cigarette. High heels were another one of her addictions, though, what the hell, she needed the extra height. She never bothered to wear hose, always saying that she would only wear them when men were forced to use them as well...which would be this side of never. The strappy shoes made her bare legs look fabulous, but after a few hours, her poor feet hurt like a bitch.

  It was a crisp fall evening, with a cool light breeze that only hinted of colder weather to come. The long bronze dress she wore was light, the silk panels draped over the curves of her body left her arms bare but came together high around her neck. It was enough cover to hide the scars that were still there.

  At least some scars could be hidden, and some would heal with time.

  Or so she was told.

  Normally, she loved autumn, though, it wasn’t ideal weather when wearing an evening gown. She shivered as the chilly breeze stirred the air. Hoping the alcohol would warm her from the inside, she took a sip of her champagne before resting her forearms on the railing, then silently wished she had put on her wrap before heading outside. She had checked the damn thing on Liz’s insistence, probably to make it more difficult for Bella to leave before she was caught.

  That was the problem with having a friend who knew her so well.

  As her anger faded, Bella felt the familiar feeling of unease she seemed to live with on a daily basis. Over the past year, she had become a constant contradiction. She functioned at emotional extremes, all the while never really sure of herself or what she was doing, and she hated it.

  Chicago had always been the home in her heart, but since she’d moved back a few months ago, it was now also her sanctuary. She’d come back to find herself again, to recapture what she had lost. Or what had been taken from her.

  But she still didn’t feel whole.

  Not yet, but she was getting there...slowly.

  Bella had grown up sheltered under the watchful eye of her father, mother, and three insanely protective older brothers. She held a special place in her family, had been their little spitfire. When she was young, she made it her personal mission to drive her brothers crazy. In return, they were overbearing, bossy, and extremely annoying, but their attitudes did just the opposite of what they had intended. It let her develop a carefree, open attitude toward everything, including men and dating.

  She had casually dated and enjoyed sex, not that any of her brothers knew about, but she’d never taken the big fall. She’d never given her heart away, always holding back for the one. Most men she knew couldn’t stand up to her overprotective brothers, and those relationships had fizzled fast. Bella quickly realized that she needed someone stronger, someone to match her in every way. And definitely someone tough enough to fit in with her family.

  Her parents owned a popular bar in the city called Moretti’s. When she’d been old enough, she’d started working there like the rest of her siblings and had first developed her love of the food industry. Her family always encouraging her to follow her dreams, even when they took her far from home.

  Bella had fought her way into one of the top culinary schools in France, and her family had understood her need to go. Once she graduated, she’d traveled the world, cooking for those who paid exorbitant fees for a night or two of her time. She built a name for herself and expressed her love and passion in every dish she made.

  She’d loved her life and embraced each new opportunity to the fullest. Then, she had been approached by the owner of an elite hotel in New York City and offered a position as the executive chef, giving her free rein to revamp the menu at her discretion. With her being so young, it was almost unheard of to get such an offer, so she’d jumped at the opportunity and had immediately accepted.

  The fast-paced world she’d lived in was exciting, and she had been too caught up in the whirlwind of her career to realize that sometimes that could be dangerous. Ultimately, she had learned the price of fame all too clearly. She’d left that life behind when she moved back to Chicago. Being surrounded by family and friends gave her a sense of security that she had been missing, and she needed the support they provided.

  Especially after her life changed so drastically that fateful night a year ago.

  The night when her entire life changed.

  Thinking about that, Bella inhaled deeply again. As she blew the smoke out into the air, a small click sounded right behind her, and the voice that followed had her tensing up.

  “You realize that smoking is bad for you.”

  Bella turned slowly and saw the man she’d run into cloaked in shadows. He hadn’t made a sound during his approach, and she suspected he was accustomed to catching pe
ople off guard. When he took a long pull of his own cigarette, the red tip flared bright enough for her to see that his intense gray eyes were staring straight at her.

  He had put her on the defensive, so she tried to be flippant. “Yeah, thanks for the service announcement, Captain Obvious. I seem to do a lot of things that are bad for me. Then again, I am young. You, on the other hand, should know better.”

  His face remained stoic, but she thought she saw a hint of amusement flash in his eyes as he stepped closer.

  “Where is your man?” he asked after a long moment of silence.

  She blinked, thrown off her game again. “Who?”

  “Where is your escort for the evening?” He took another step forward without seeming to move. “You shouldn’t be out on this balcony alone.”

  He had a dangerous aura to him, and Bella had a difficult time forcing herself not to take a step back, away in retreat. She would not show this man any sign of weakness. If she did, she knew he would use it, exploit it. She wanted, no, needed to stand her ground.

  She lifted her chin defiantly, but the gesture was wasted. Since he was so freaking tall, she had to look up at him to maintain eye contact. “I wanted to be alone for a moment.”

  “It is not safe for you to be out here, in the dark, by yourself.”

  That made her frown. “Umm, hello, we are not exactly standing in a dark alley. And besides, I can take care of myself.”

  “Can you now?” He raised a brow mockingly.

  Bella felt her temper flaring to life. “So, now you think I’m too young to drink, I shouldn’t smoke, and what, I need a keeper? Are you always this insulting to people when you first meet them?”

  “I believe it was you who did that first. Although, I appreciate your efforts in providing a champagne shower. Since you failed to introduce yourself after you ran into me, I presume that task is left up to me.” He bent his head slightly in a nod, like a king to his subject.