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3013: SALVATION (3013: The Series Book 5) Page 8
3013: SALVATION (3013: The Series Book 5) Read online
Page 8
Jax shot him a hard look. “Funny about that. They were pretty talkative...as long as we promised they wouldn’t have to see you again.”
Dom’s face became a blank slate. “Those two didn’t have a mark on them when they left my custody.”
“Yeah, I know you wouldn’t have to actually put your hands on those two to put the fear of God in them,” Jax drawled out, then slowly smiled. “You haven’t lost your touch.”
Dom grunted in satisfaction. “So, what did those two assholes have to say?”
“The two generals admitted to taking bribes to basically allow anything to happen on X7. All the people we’ve found that have been tainted with the xili so far have been located on Alpha Stations X7 and X15, so now it makes more sense since those are the closest stations to Tartarus. I’ve ordered a strike force team to take control of X15 and lock shit down there until we know more about what we’re dealing with.”
“But how?” Reva asked. “How do you know those are the places we should focus on?”
“That was the brilliant work of my chosen,” Jax said with a smile.
Serra beamed at him before addressing the group. “It was really quite simple once I thought about it. When I was discussing all of this with Jax, Archer and Troy, we realized there was no feasible way for the D’Aire to check every human to give us a starting point, and then it hit me. We didn’t have to. Before I knew what my mother had done to me, I had multiple tests run for my headaches. I thought something was medically wrong with me, but all tests came back negative. With this in mind, Troy and I went through the records looking for anyone who has had multiple tests run with no definitive results. From that, we’ve been able to narrow down our search parameters using information we found from the archives.”
Troy pressed a few keys on his data unit and several reports appeared on the wall screen. “As you can see here, back before we knew what xili really was there were several reports ranging from assassination attempts to theft where the perpetrators couldn’t explain why they had committed the crimes. Additionally, there were also dozens of women who had been coerced into bondings using xili.”
Serra nodded. “Using that as a guide, we discovered a few reports made within the last few months by men who claim that women they were in a relationship with or who were promised to them had been forced into bondings with other men. Initially, these claims were overlooked because the women in question told investigators that they were happy with their new pairings.”
“There were also several convicted prisoners whose cases stuck out because even though they admitted to the crimes they were accused of, they swore they had no clue why they committed them,” Troy added.
Dom gulped down the last of his coffee before he spoke. “Once they found a few people who fit the pattern, they brought their findings to me and I petitioned the Council of Regents to re-open the investigations and requested for a D’Aire representative to be present during the interviews. From those interrogations, we’ve discovered that three convicted prisoners and two women have been tainted with xili so far. Everyone involved with those cases are being sent back to Earth for further questioning, although initial reports are that the men who have coerced the women bought the drug from a Tarin. This brings us full circle.”
“The D’Aire that were part of the investigation claim that the victims have been drugged with a dose of the xili slightly different than anything we have seen before. They said it’s easier to release the victims from the thrall of the drug, but it’s harder to initially detect the shadow. Our fear is that someone on Tartarus has found a way to mass produce the drug, and that’s why it’s different,” Arik said.
Archer’s hand fisted and he tapped it on the table. “Which means we have to stop them before they spread this shit all over the universe.”
Jax’s eyes burned with anger as he looked around the room. He waited until all eyes were on him before he spoke. “In order to do that we need to go to Avox, question the scientists there who had access to the plants, then go to Tartarus and find whoever is behind this and put him in the ground.”
Chapter Six
“I’m down with that,” Dom said, almost gleefully.
“At our current speed, we should arrive at Avox tomorrow afternoon,” Archer told them. “But according to the Director of Security there, we only have clearance for three to go down to the surface...and none of them can be men.”
Jax scowled. “What the fuck?”
“I’m not surprised,” Serra said. “Skylar, Reva and I will go.”
Serra frowned at Jax. “Be reasonable.”
“I am. You aren’t going without me and Archer with you.”
“Oh, really?” she said casually, belying her anger. “And just how do you plan to do that without upsetting the Avox? They are very specific about who is allowed on their planet.”
“How? They don’t even speak!”
“I’m with Jax on this one, Serra,” Archer argued. “I don’t want you going without one of us with you.”
Serra fought back the urge to argue with her bonded, knowing they were just trying to protect her. She couldn’t get upset about that, but they needed to respect that she was a valued member of the investigation team. Added to that, she was the only member of the group that had visited Avox before, working to set up the shield that protected the planet and knew all of the protocols that went with being on the unique world.
But there were strict rules that needed to be followed if one desired to visit.
“I’m not sure I’m comfortable with going to a world that is all water,” Reva admitted.
“Then Arik can come with us, since the Avox don’t seem to have a problem with the D’Aire.” Serra took a deep breath before continuing. “They don’t like men. There is nothing you can do to change that. Is it fair? Maybe not, but they will remember me as someone who helped their people. And I’m the only one who can look over the research they are doing with the xili to see if they really trying to do what they proposed. I assure you, we’ll be fine.”
“When the D’Aire first approached Avox, we studied them before we made contact. We brought them a gift of metal from our home world that they were able to use in building their underwater cities, and they accepted us as friends. It’s unfortunate, but all it took was for your men to kill one of them to create the distrust they still feel for human males,” Arik explained.
Jax frowned. “That was a long time ago.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’ll go with Skylar and Serra to ensure their safety, and I will also be able to scan the scientists to see if any of them have been tainted with xili. I’ve also requested aid from my people since there is a ship with five D’Aire close by. They are about half a day behind us, and will rendezvous with us in Avox’s orbit.”
Dom crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t like it.”
Arik smiled. “I’m not surprised. The women will be safe with me.”
“I’m an investigator,” Skylar said. “This is what I do.”
“I still don’t have to like it,” Dom snapped.
“Fine, let’s just get this done,” Jax finally growled. “But if anything happens to Serra, I swear to God, I’ll nuke the entire fucking planet.”
Serra smiled at him. “Extreme, but strangely very sweet.”
Skylar rolled her eyes at them. “Ok, so we go to Avox, then we head to Tartarus. Is there anything we can do in the interim?”
“Troy will send the files to everyone’s data units. I want you to look over all the information so you’re prepared for the days to come,” Jax said. “Meanwhile, you should all know that the Council of Regents has once again suggested putting together a Ministry of Nations. We need some sort of governing body that makes it easier to deal with threats against all our races, like this. So far, my father has been nominated to represent the Alliance in the Ministry of Nations. Also, Naomi Tala has been nominated to be Chancellor for the Hel
“Good choice,” Reva said. “She is far more...diplomatic than other ambassadors such as my mother. Chancellors? Is that the title they have been given?”
“Yes. We’ve also decided to reach out to Xavier Tesera of the Dragon Warriors to represent the Arcadians.”
In the past, the Dragon Warriors had chosen to abstain from anything resembling politics when it came to the Alliance, but Xavier Tesera, his brother Galan and their two best friends, Thorn and Brydan Volis, were now mates to Alexis, a former human woman they had converted. Alexis still had ties with the Alliance, and Jax considered her and her mates friends. Because of that, he was hopeful he could persuade them to take an active role with the Ministry.
“And as of this morning, the D’Aire ambassadors have voted and appointed Adric M’Dor as our chancellor,” Arik added. “When I spoke to him, he informed me that the D’Aire are working with the Alliance to check all high ranking officers to see if any of them has been tainted by xili. It’s going to be a slow process, but one we feel is necessary.”
“That makes sense. Do you think you can get in touch with the D’Aire who are handling the investigation on Earth tonight to see if there are any updates?” Jax asked.
“Consider it done.”
“What about the Krytos? Are they willing to join the Ministry this time?” Skylar asked.
Dom sighed. “They’re going to take some work. We told the Adaro brothers what was going on with this investigation while we were on New Vega, so they know the gravity of the situation. They’re also worried the xili may affect the Krytos the same way it does the Helios. I think they’ll be able to convince their people to join the Ministry, but getting someone to become Chancellor is a different story.”
“We need you to work on that,” Jax broke in. “Since you’re friends with the Adaro brothers, the Council hopes you might be able to convince one of them to take the position as Chancellor.”
Jax looked sympathetic. “I know. You can tell them it won’t take much of their time. Whoever takes the position will just have to attend a meeting every once in a while and pass on news to the rest of the Krytos when something comes up. Since the Adaro brothers already do that, it shouldn’t be an issue.”
“Maddox and Daimon will say no, but I can try to work on Tavius.”
Skylar knew the Krytos clans took pride in remaining autonomous since their home world was destroyed. They did come to each other’s aid when needed, but they were against being part of the Ministry of Nations the last time the idea was presented. The Krytos as a whole didn’t believe in politics or positions of power that didn’t directly benefit them.
It was said that if they couldn’t fuck it, fight with it or eat it, they just weren’t interested.
But Tavius was different. He liked to stick his nose in other people’s business, and took joy in managing people, just as he’d tried to do with her when she’d been on New Vega. Because of that, she had no doubt he’d make a perfect Chancellor for his race.
As the meeting came to an end, Skylar, Troy and Archer helped Officer Ryans gather up all the dishes to stack them back on the cart. It was nice to see Cal Ryans back on his feet, but Skylar couldn’t blame Serra for worrying about him, since she felt the need to tell him to take it easy herself. She wanted to have a word with Serra, but didn’t want to bother her since she was working on her wrist unit. Since Reva was speaking to Jax and Arik about getting an update from the Helios, Skylar thought she could slip out of the room before anyone noticed, but Dom stopped her before she could.
“Are you heading back to your quarters?”
“I was planning to. Why, did you need me to stay?”
It wasn’t like Dom to hesitate, but Skylar noticed he looked extremely uncomfortable as he said, “It can wait. I want to meet with you later tonight.”
“Is this about the mission?” Skylar's expression darkened as another thought occurred to her. “This better not be about what happened between me and Arik, because if you’re planning on bitching at me because—”
“No...I’m not. It’s not about that...not really. Hell, just come to my quarters at seven tonight.”
Suspicious, Skylar asked, “Why?”
“Damn it, woman. Can’t you do anything without arguing? We're having dinner tonight. My quarters. Seven. Be there,” Dom barked out before stalking from the room.
Skylar was speechless as she watched him leave. She stood staring at the empty doorway, then practically jumped as Serra surprised her by linking her arms with her to pull her out of the conference room. “Did you hear...what the hell was that?”
Serra chuckled “Sky, I think that was him asking you out on a date. It was very Dom-like of him to order you to have dinner with him instead of asking. I think it was kind of sweet.”
“Sweet? I don't know what the hell that was, but it sure wasn't sweet.” It took a moment for Skylar to realize that Serra was leading her back to her quarters. “What are you doing?”
Serra smiled. “Jax and Sully are going to make a call with Reva to Helix for an update, so I thought I would come hang out with you for a bit.”
Skylar would have rather been alone for a bit, but she didn't want to hurt her friend's feeling so she simply led the way back to her room and opened the door for them. Serra took a seat on the small sofa in the living room area as Skylar got them both something to drink.
“So, just how angry are you at the Council of Regents?”
Skylar sighed as she carried two tall glasses of iced water back over to the sitting area. She handed one of the glasses to Serra before sitting down on a chair facing her friend. “Honestly, not that much anymore, although I was pretty pissed. I'd say it's more resentful than angry now.”
Serra took a sip of her water. “I can understand that. I still don't think it's right to push you into this, and I made sure that Jax knows how I feel about this subject.”
“Yeah,” Skylar winced. “I can't believe you made him sleep on the couch. Are you trying to get me killed or something?”
“It's good for him. And just so you know, it was all his mother's idea.” Serra let out a peal of laughter as Skylar's jaw dropped open. “I spoke with Donna Spartan-Rollins last night and she told me that she was making Regent Spartan sleep on the couch, and that I should do the same to make Jax understand how upset I was. She said it was a family tradition.”
“I really love that woman.” Skylar couldn't help but laugh, but a part of her felt guilty. “Serra, you do realize it was the Council's decision, don’t you? Jax couldn't really do anything.”
“I do, but he could have figured out some way to help you. And so could his father. Nothing stopped any of them from informing you about this before it was too late. And the fact they have a double standard for men and woman with your capabilities is just not acceptable.”
Skylar's wrist unit beeped, cutting off whatever else Serra was going to say. When she looked at the display, she grinned. “It's Alexis. Want me to put this up on the wall screen?”
“Sure, I’d love to talk to her.”
Skylar transferred the call and was thrilled to see her friend Alexis on the wall screen. Alexis had an ethereal beauty, with glowing violet eyes and pale blonde hair that almost looked pure white. The three women had attended the Academy together, and Alexis and Skylar had worked in the Liaison Division before Alexis had met her four Dragon Warrior mates.
The Dragon Warriors were a powerful race of beings that had the ability to wield magic and could shift into their dragon forms at will. Although the Dragon Warrior were allies of the Alliance, it had been years since any of them had visited Earth, choosing to either stay on their home world of Arcadia, or spend their time traveling the stars exploring new worlds.
Xavier, Galan, Thorn and Brydan had fought alongside humans, the D’Aire and the Krytos to defeat the Zyphir during the Alien Wars, and they had finally decided to visit Earth again a few months ago. Upon arrival, the four Dr
agon Warriors instantly fell in love with Alexis. Now, she proudly wore the stunning gold and silver tribal-looking tattoos on her torso and arms that declared her their mate. The five of them had been traveling for the last few months, visiting distant worlds far beyond Alliance protected space, and Skylar hadn't realized just how much she missed her friend until now.
“Sky! Serra! I’m so happy I caught the two of you together. It saves me a call.”
Skylar smiled. “I’m so glad to see you...but how exactly are you contacting us? I thought you were heading to Arcadia and would be out of range?”
“Magic. I’m able to give the transmission a little boost that makes it possible to call even while we’re in jump drive. We visited Arcadia, but we’re heading back to Earth now.”
“I can’t believe you were already there,” Serra said. “It’s only been a few months, and you were stopping at other planets on the way, right?”
“We have. My guys have been taking turns manning the controls of the ship, and they can boost the jump drive with their magic, making us go at what I like to call super speed. Everything I’ve seen has been so amazing. Stars, the stories I have to tell you, but those can wait until we get back.”
Serra was fascinated. “What I wouldn’t give to be able to study your capabilities.”
“I love you, but you are not going to study me like one of your experiments,” Alexis said with a laugh. “I’m so happy to see you both. I really need some girl talk time.”
Concern had Skylar asking, “Is everything okay? You look wonderful. I knew you were pregnant, but wow, look at your belly!”
Alexis shocked them all as she burst into tears. The door slammed open behind her, making all the women jump as Xavier, Galan, Thorn and Brydan stormed into the room. Xavier and Galan had glowing silver eyes and long, flowing jet-black hair, while Thorn and Brydan had glowing gold eyes and long dark-brown hair. All four of them were devastatingly handsome, but they made an intimidating sight as they snarled at the screen.
“What have you done?” Thorn growled ominously.